Sales and Shows:
10 March 2018
88th Tribal Art Auction
Zemanek-Münster, Würzburg
14 March 2018
Aboriginal Art
Sotheby’s, London
10–18 March 2018
20 March 2018
Pre-Columbian Art
21 March 2018
African and Oceanic Art
Binoche & Giquello
Drouot Richelieu, Paris
4–8 April 2018
PAD Paris Art + Design
Jardin des tuileries, Paris
9 April 2018
The Prigogine Collection
of Pre-Columbian Art
10 April 2018
African and Oceanic Art
Christie’s, Paris
11–14 April 2018
Paris Tribal
5 May 2018
American Indian & Ethnographic
Skinner, Boston
11–13 May 2018
Madison Ancient & Tribal Art
Arader Gallery, New York
14 May 2018
The Shape of Beauty: Sculpture
from the Collection of Howard
and Saretta Barnet
Arts of Africa, Oceania, and the
Sotheby’s, New York
Mid May 2018
African and Oceanic Masterworks
Christie's, New York
22 May 2018
African, Oceanic, and Pre-
Columbian Art
Bonhams, Los Angeles
24–27 May 2018
Bourgogne Tribal Show - arts
d’Afrique, d’Asie, d’Océanie et
des Amériques
Besanceuil, Saône-et-Loire
NEW YORK CITY—On May 14, 2018, Sotheby’s
will hold its spring sales of art from Africa, Oceania,
and the Americas in its New York headquarters.
Leading these will be a single-owner sale featuring
an installment of the outstanding collection
of Howard and Saretta Barnet, which has been the
subject of a number of specialized auctions. These
have spanned contemporary art, classical paintings,
drawings, and prints, all of which were tied
together within the collection by an unusually coherent
sense of harmony and aesthetic consistency,
in which each object was in dialog with one another.
The May 14 sale will offer around forty lots
from their collection of African, Oceanic,
Pre-Columbian, and American Indian art,
as well as Classical and Near Eastern antiquities,
all of them consistent for their
beauty and significance. Highlights will
include a Fang-Mvai reliquary guardian
figure attributed to the Master of Ntem,
an Okvik ivory figure, and a renowned
Olmec jade mask fragment, converted
into a celt in antiquity.
A various-owner sale of art from Africa,
Oceania, and the Americas will follow.
The Americas component will feature
both American Indian and Pre-Columbian
art. It will include previously unoffered
material from the Edwin and Cherie
Silver Collection, as well as important
works from European and American collections.
TOP LEFT: Jade mask
fragment. Olmec.
900–600 BC.
Barnet Collection.
To be offered at Sotheby’s, New
York, on May 14, 2018.
TOP RIGHT: Ivory female
fi gure. Okvik (Old Bering
Sea I), Alaska. C. 300 BC.
Barnet Collection.
To be offered at Sotheby’s, New
York, on May 14, 2018.
MIDDLE LEFT: Reliquary
guardian fi gure by the
Master of Ntem. Fang-
Mvai, Ntem Valley, Gabon.
Barnet Collection.
To be offered at Sotheby’s, New
York, on May 14, 2018.
LEFT: Bronze fi gure of a
horse. Greece, Geometric
Period. 8th century BC.
Barnet Collection.
To be offered at Sotheby’s, New
York, on May 14, 2018.