The Ancient Art of Oceania, from Southeast Asia to
Eastern Polynesia
The art of producing barkcloth has an 8,000-year history in Southeast
Asia and is without question one of the most singular and ancient
traditions of the Pacifi c region, where it spread as successive waves
of migrations swept across the ocean from west to east. Barkcloth
came to be referred to generically as tapa. It is associated with ritual
practices, ceremonial exchanges, and rites of passage, to cite but a
few of the contexts in which it appears. Published in September 2017
and edited by Michel Charleux, there is fi nally a book devoted to the
subject that is commensurate with its importance in the societies in
which it was created and used. The technical aspects of the various
PILAT 2017
By Elena Martínez-Jacquet
The winners of the Prix International du Livre d’Art
Tribal (PILAT), which this magazine in partnership
with Sotheby’s has awarded every year since 2009,
were announced on December 9, 2017, in a convivial
atmosphere that is characteristic of events at Sotheby’s.
The many afi cionados of the traditional arts of Africa,
Oceania, Asia, and the Americas who were on hand
celebrated the successes of Steven Hooper, author of the
winning entry in English, Fiji: Art & Life in the Pacifi c (see
pages 132 and 133), and of Nicolas Rolland, who edited
kinds of tapa and information about
the winning French work, Afrique, à l’ombre des dieux
each production center are provided
(see pages 132 and 133).
in great detail in this comprehensive
Julien Volper was also recognized by the jury, chaired
exploration of the subject.
by Pierre Moos, which elected for the fi rst time in
this competition to give recognition to an individual
researcher for his contributions to knowledge. An
obvious choice for this honor, Volper holds a doctorate in
art history and serves as a curator at the Musée Royal de
l’Afrique Centrale in Tervuren specializing in Sub-Saharan
Edited by Michel Charleux
Africa. He is also a prolifi c author, and one of his most
Co-published by Association Tapa
and Somogy Éditions d’Art
recent works was on the list of fi nalists presented here.
610 pages, 24 x 30 cm, 510 illustrations.
The jurors and sponsors of PILAT would like to thank
all of the avid readers who cast their votes this year, as
Hardcover, 95 euros
well as the authors, editors, and publishers who made
Bilingual French-English edition
PILAT 2017 possible!
Life and Art on the Mentawai Islands
BELOW: Images of the announcement of the winners of the
The fi rst monograph devoted to the arts of the Mentawai Archipelago,
2017 PILAT prize on the evening of the preview party for
located west of the island of Sumatra, this richly illustrated book
Sotheby’s winter sale last December 9. The winners appear in
honors the creativity and originality with which local peoples there
the center photo, from left to right: Steven Hooper (English
approached the manufacture of all kinds of works (fi gures, ornaments,
winner), Julien Volper (Special mention from the jury), Nicolas
Rolland (French winner), and Véronique Balmelle (Somogy
charms, and other kinds of objects), all intended to maintain and
Editions d’Art).
strengthen bonds between humans and the spirit world.
© Sotheby’s. Photos: Micha Patault.