FIG. 10 (left): Crest, tsesah.
Bamileke peoples, Grassfi elds
region, Cameroon. 19th century.
Wood. H: 88.5 cm.
Collected in Bandjoun, 1970–1972, by
Martial Bronsin and Pierre Dartevelle.
Private collection, courtesy of McClain
The fi nely incised patterns fi lling the entire
plane of the forehead create a kinetic visual
effect. It ingeniously combines an overall
checkerboard grid with nested lozenges.
These geometric motifs are found across
media, from the beaded patterns on the
surface of the fons’ palm wine containers to
enormous indigo resist-dyed ndop textiles
that delineate an area for court ceremonies.
The carver seems to have responded to the
grain of the wood in carving the cheeks,
adding to the overall dynamic effect.