FIG. 13 (right): Germaine
Van Parys (1893–1983),
Installation view of 1,000
objets nègres de la collection
de Mlle Walschot (…) at
Cercle artistique et Littéraire
in Brussels, January 1934.
© Germaine Van Parys –
In this image, the large nkonde, which
was later sold by Walschot to Klaus
Clausmeyer, has lost the bilongo
charge that was in place a few years
earlier (see fi g. 5).
FIG. 14 (right): Germaine
Van Parys (1893–1983),
Installation view of 1,000
objets nègres de la collection
de Mlle Walschot (…) at
Cercle artistique et Littéraire
in Brussels, January 1934.
© Germaine Van Parys –
Women with children, or “maternity,”
was one of Walschot’s favorite motifs.
Several photographs show groupings
of works from her collection with this