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FEATURE 114 FIG. 14 (below): Pwo mask. Chokwe, Xassenge area, Angola. 19th–early 20th century. Wood, fiber, brass, pigment. H: 27 cm. Metropolitan Museum of Art, 2003.288a,b. Purchase, Daniel and Marian Malcolm, Mr. and Mrs. James J. Ross, Sidney and Bernice Clyman Gifts, and Rogers Fund, 2003. FIG. 15A and B (right): Pwo mask. Chokwe, Xassenge area, Angola. 19th–early 20th century. Wood, fiber, metal, pigment. H: 52.1 cm. Private collection. Photo: Peter Zeray, Metropolitan Museum of Art. FIG. 16 (facing page top): Pwo mask. Chokwe, Sachicungo chieftainship, Xassenge area, Angola. 19th–early 20th century. Collected by Dr. Machado Cruz in 1960. Wood, fiber, imported buttons, beads, red pigment. H: 24 cm. Museu de Etnologia, Lisbon. Photo: Dick Beaulieux. FIG. 17 (facing page bottom): Pwo mask. Chokwe, Capacumuna chieftainship, Xassenge area, Angola. 19th–early 20th century. Collected by Dr. Machado Cruz in 1960. Wood, fiber, metal, red pigment. H: 23 cm. Museu de Etnologia, Lisbon. Photo: Dick Beaulieux.

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